bitop AG
58453 Witten
: +49 2302 91440 10
Liability for content
The contents of thebitop AG pages werecreated with great care.Forthe correctness,completenessandtopicalityof contents wecannot take any responsibility.
As a service provider we are responsible according to § 7 paragraph 1 of TMG for own contents on these pages, concerning the general laws. After §§ 8 to 10 TMG we are not obliged as a service provider to control transmitted or stored foreign information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to removeorblock the use ofinformation under the generallaws remain unaffected. However, a relevant liability isonly possible from thedate of knowledgeof a specific infringement. Upon notification ofsuch violations, wewill remove thecontentimmediately.
The contentsand works on thesepages createdbythebitop AG subject to Germancopyright law.Third party contributions aremarked as such.Duplication, processing, distribution and any kindof exploitation outside thelimits of copyrightrequire the written consentof the respective authoror creator. Downloadsand copies of thesepages are only permittedfor private,non-commercial use. The operators ofthese pages aimto respect the copyright of others and to use own or license-free works.
Liability for links
By judgment of 12 May1998 - 312O85/98-"Liability for links" the district court (LG) Hamburg decidedthat the owner of a website is responsible for external contents of a linked page byplacing a link.Thiscan - so theLG-only be preventedby expresslydistancing oneself fromthese contents.Herewithbitop AG distances itself fromthe linked sites.
Privacy policy
The protection of your personal data during collection, processing and use during your visit to our website is important to us. Your data is protected in accordance with statutory regulations. Below you find informations on what data is recorded during your visit to our website and how it is used:
Collection and processing of data
Every access to our website and each download of a file on the website are logged. The storage serves internal system-related and statistical purposes. Recorded informations: Name of the accessed file, date and time of access, data volume transferred, notification of successful download, web browser and requesting domain.
In addition, the IP addresses of the requesting computers are anonymous logged.
Further personal data is only collected when you voluntarily as part of an inquiry or registration, provide this information and are not associated with the statistical data.
Use and disclosure of personal data
If you provide us with personal information, we use it only to respond to your inquiries, to process contracts concluded with you and for technical administration.
Your personal information will only be disclosed to third parties or otherwise, if it serves the purpose of the contract - is necessary for billing purposes as required or you have previously agreed - in particular the transfer of order data to suppliers. You have the right to revoke your consent with future effect at any time. The deletion of stored personal data, if you revoke your consent to storage, if their knowledge to fulfill the purpose for which the data is no longer necessary or if their storage for other legal reasons is inadmissible.